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Join us


Seb's Projects India relies on our partners to make our schools and scholarships more than just a dream. 

Would you like to be part of the team?

Join our team!​​

Whether it be through donating money to run a tribal school each year,  making a commitment to support a child through school or even using your teaching or management skills as a volunteer to help us make our schools vibrant learning centres - everyone has something they can offer.


Here's just some of the ways you can get involved...​

Raise funds to support a School









It costs $4500 a year to make a tribal school run with 3 teachers and 2 huts.


With help from the government's NRSTC scheme, this donation would cover teachers salaries, teaching aids and games materials, as well as materials to build the school. With 63 villages targeted in Jawadhi Hills, we have identified 6 villages with no access to a school at all. If you think you can join hands with us to make that dream a possibility, we want to hear from you!

Support a student through their education







It costs $120 per year to send a child to secondary school, and $300 per year to put a young person through college.​


Seb's Projects India identify new families in need every year, working to partner them with those willing to help pay for their child's education. Most of these familes have only one parent, no land, a parent with a disability or over 5 children, and education, though valued, just isn't an option for those children. If you think you can change that, get in touch!

Come and volunteer with us!


Do you have something you can contribute?

Perhaps you have a talent for creative arts, and can help us find new and more interactive ways of teaching the curriculum in our tribal schools. Or perhaps you can help us develop our schools into more attractive centres that will help us target absenteeism? Maybe you have technical skills that we can utilise on our campaigns against child trafficking in our target villages?

Whatever you have to offer, we'd love to have you on board. Just go to the contact page and get in touch!

Seb's Projects India is strictly non political and non religious organisation

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