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It takes many hands to build a school.

To make education a possibility in remote areas, it takes a commitment. Whilst we aim to make our schools and scholarships sustainable by bringing them under government schemes, this takes at least 3 years of running. During this time It is up to us to invest in these children's future.

 For a Seb's Tribal School to function for a year, we must provide roofing, infrastructure, teachers, teacher's amenities, teaching materials, play materials, and scholarships for graduates.​ During this time we rely on the passion and generosity of people like you to meet the needs of these children and make their education fun and interactive by providing materials.

Tribal Schools

With the success of our 7 Sebs schools, we are eager to introduce education into remote tribal areas of Tamil Nadu. Often settled in reserved forest areas, Tribal communities are caught in the gap between conservation and development, where they cannot practise agriculture and forage for food as they traditionally have due to consevration rules, but they also do not have access to infrastructure such as schools. The result is often alocoholism, illegal businesses, logging and poverty.


Seb's Projects seeks to support these communities by providing access to relevant, quality education within their own communities.


Every year we find new communities in need of education in remote areas, but to help them we cannot do it alone.

It costs 8160 GBP per year to run a school for 45 students.



Through our work with poverty affected communities, we encounter hundreds of children every year determined to pull their families out of their difficulties through education.


However, determination is not always enough, and these children will find themselves caught in a cycle of povertyy, unable to pay for hostel fees, books and school tuition fees and so unable to go to school.


Seb's Projects identifies these vulnerable children and mentors them through secondary school and into college or university, supporting them through scholarships. Today, we have 50 scholarships for students from tribal and slum communities attending secondary school, colleges and universities,


Every year we find new young people desperately in need of help. If you can be part of the solution and would like to sponsor a child, please donate.

It costs 230 GBP per year to sponsor a student through school, and 1000 GBP per year to support a student through university.


Would you like to help? Click here to donate...

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Seb's Projects India is strictly non political and non religious organisation

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